Aiken County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Scholarship Sponsored by Aiken County Farm Bureau
Scholarship Information
- Two $2,000 scholarships awarded annually
- Eligibility: This scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior/incoming college freshman pursuing an undergraduate degree in agriculture or an agricultural related major at a two or four-year college and maintaining a minimum GPR of 2.5.
- Aiken County Farm Bureau membership ($40 Family or $25 Individual Youth) is required. Visit to join or contact Bethany Jones 803.648.5421
- Deadline to apply: June 1
- For more information contact the county office.
The Scholarship is sponsored to provide assistance to students from Aiken County Farm Bureau farm families or farm-oriented backgrounds, to pursue a higher education in agriculture or agricultural-related majors. It is also desired that the scholarship funds will result in the encouragement of students to develop the knowledge and skills to assume positions of leadership in agriculture, civic affairs and public service.
This scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior/incoming college freshman pursuing an undergraduate degree in agriculture or an agricultural-related major at a two or four-year college and maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.5.
The scholarship funds will be awarded $1,000 first semester/$1,000 second semester and will be made payable to the school. Student must provide verification of continued enrollment and a grade report showing a GPA of at least 2.5 at the end of the first semester.
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of character, demonstrated leadership abilities, and dedication to agriculture or related fields. The recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Committee of the Aiken County Farm Bureau in accordance with guidelines developed by the County’s Board of Directors and approved by the Board. Applications must include photo and letter(s) of recommendation - incomplete applications will not be considered.
The current scholarship application judging guidelines are:
- Scholastic achievement 35 points
- Agricultural activities, participation and offices held in school and agricultural organizations, and community activities 25 points
- Student’s statement and focus on career in agriculture or an agricultural-related field 30 points
- Letter(s) of recommendation, which should include character references 10 points